Membership of the Centre

Organisations and individuals who support our objectives and wish to promote language policy and planning in Wales are welcome to become members of the charity in order to:

  • keep abreast of developments in language planning,
  • contribute to the national debate on language planning,
  • voice opinion on the development needs of LP professionals,
  • develop ideas for new projects and initiatives,
  • network with like-minded organisations and individuals.

Corporate Membership

  • Nominate up to 3 individuals to receive information from the Centre.
  • Opportunities to network with other organisations and individuals who have a similar interest in language planning.
  • Opportunities to take part in discussion and dialogue around language policy and planning issues at membership events.
  • Members' newsletter.
  • Free copies of general publications.
  • 5% discount on IAITH services.
  • One vote at AGM.

Full Individual Membership

  • Receive information on the Centre's activities.
  • Opportunities to network with other organisations and individuals who have a similar interest in language planning.
  • Opportunities to take part in discussion and dialogue around language policy and planning issues at membership events.
  • Members' newsletter.
  • One vote at AGM.

Individual Membership of ‘Language Planners Wales’

open to LP professionals

  • Receive information on the Centre's activities.
  • No voting rights at AGM.
  • Opportunities to take part in discussion and dialogue around language policy and planning issues at LPW events.

Membership Form

If you wish to join, please complete the form below. You will then be transferred to the Paypal website to pay your subscription online, using a Paypal account or a range of credit and debit cards. If you wish to pay by cheque or to be invoiced, please print and post this application form

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