Bilingual Workforce Planning, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Service Board (PSB)
Between November 2023 and September 2024 IAITH undertook the 'Bilingual Workforce Planning' research project on behalf of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Service Board (PSB).
We collaborated with – and gathered evidence from – the three PSBs in north Wales, public organisations within these board areas, and the Welsh language subgroup of Gwynedd and Anglesey PSB. The aim of the work was to help the organisations of the north Wales PSBs understand the key issues involved in recruiting Welsh speakers. Two seminars were held in St Asaph to gather and share evidence and a report (highlighting good and bad practice among the organisations of North Wales) along with a resource for organisations (an accessible checklist for recruiters) were presented as outputs to the project.
Planning a Bilingual Workforce: Final Report, Gwynedd and Anglesey Public Service Board