Welsh and Bilingual Education for All: Widening International Immigrants' Access to Statutory Welsh-medium Education.

Dr Gwennan Higham on behalf of Swansea University and IAITH have received a grant from the Learned Society of Wales to hold workshops on the theme of Welsh and Bilingual Education for All: Widening International Immigrants' Access to Statutory Welsh-medium Education. 

The  idea is to gather individuals together with information, knowledge and interest in this subject to discuss the challenges and opportunities in accessing Welsh and bilingual education with the aim of working towards a larger grant in the future. We aim to hold 5 workshops:

1.            Mapping the current provision

2.            Access to Welsh / Bilingual Education for all: Personal Experiences

3.            Challenges and opportunities to Welsh medium education (early years and primary)

4.            Challenges and opportunities to Welsh medium education (secondary)

5.            Proposals and plans for a research project


Workshop 1 - Mapping the current provision

3 November 2021



Workshop 2 - Access to Welsh / Bilingual Education for all: Personal Experiences

26 January 2022, 10:00 – 12:00


Watch Workshop 2 here
