Gweithredu’n Lleol (Local Action)

Date: 06 October - 06 October
Location: Aberystwyth
Trainer: Gareth Ioan
Fee: £155 + VAT / £125 + VAT for IAITH members
Time: 10:00 am - 16:00 pm


The aim of the day is to familiarise yourself with the ‘Gweithredu’n Lleol’ (Local Action) resource pack – the framework for micro language planning within Welsh speaking communities.  

The pack which was published in 2012, the Welsh Language Board’s last publication, has since been promoted by Welsh Government as a template for developing local action plans to benefit the Welsh language. 


Students will receive an introduction to the pack by the author, Gareth Ioan, who will explain the purpose and the reasoning behind it. Gareth will also discuss the basics of language planning on a micro level, the basic principles of community development and examples of good practice in the field.  It will also be an opportunity to start planning local action and to share experiences with others.  

The course will be delivered in Welsh.


Gareth Ioan is the Chief Executive at IAITH. He is an experienced trainer with over 20 years’ experience in the field. He specialises in methods of promoting language on a local neighbourhood level. He was an influential member of the discussion group Y Ffwrwm. He is still active in his local Bro Sion Cwilt community and with other Welsh language networks in south west Wales. 
