Resources produced

Language awareness materials (the company and its staff)

Ioan, G and Tomos, S. and  Jones,K. Information for Workers, Information pack for staff regarding the Work Welsh provision, Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol (2017)
Ioan, G and Tomos, S. and Jones, K Information for Employers, Information pack for workplace regarding language planning and the Work Welsh provision, Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol (2017)
Gareth Ioan and Elaine Davies Ein Hiaith: Our Language; Colegau Cymru (2015) – DVD, quiz and information pack for further education colleges.
Gareth Ioan and Elaine Davies Ein Hiaith: Our Language; Welsh Government (2013) – DVD, quiz and information pack for English medium schools.
Elaine Davies LAT resources for lecturers and staff, Coleg Gwent ( 2013).
Davies, E. Language awareness on-line module as intranet training Resource for Carmarthenshire County Council (2011).
Davies, E. They All Speak English Anyway: Welsh language awareness training Resource (CD ROM), Care Council for Wales, Cardiff (2010).
Ioan, G Opening Both Doors – an introduction to bilingual youth work, Wales Youth Agency, (2000, 2010).
Davies, E. They All Speak English Anyway, Cardiff: Care Council for Wales, (2010). (CD-ROM resource)
Davies, E. Different Words, Different Worlds? The concept of language choice in social work and social care, Cardiff: Care Council for Wales, (2009).
Davies, E. Siarad am Sir Gâr: An Introduction to Language Awareness – CD-ROM on language awareness for Council staff, Newcastle Emlyn: IAITH cyf. (for Carmarthenshire County Council), (2008).
Davies, E. Siarad Dwy Iaith –The First Steps to Bilingualism – an introduction to the advantages of early bilingualism and immersion techniques, Aberystwyth: Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, (2008).
Davies, E. From The Margins To The Centre: Language Sensitive Practice and Implications For Social Welfare In Wales, in Social Policy for Social Welfare Practice in a Devolved Wales, Charlotte Williams (ed.), Birmingham: British Assoc. of Social Workers, (2007).
Davies, E. Understanding Bilingualism – module for early years practitioners, Carmarthen: Trinity College, (2007).
Davies, E. and Grist, C. Geiriau Gofalus - manual for social work practice assessors, Cwmni Iaith, (2006).
Ioan, G. Community Speak – Communities First and the Welsh Language, Communities First Support Network, (2004).
Ioan, G. and Howys, S. Good Health! – an introduction to language awareness in healthcare, NHS Wales, Welsh Assembly Government, (2003).
Ioan, G. Language Awareness (training unit), in Potentia – diversity training manual, WDA, (2002).
Davies, E. They All Speak English Anyway – The Welsh Language and Anti-Oppressive Practice, Cardiff: CCETSW, (1994 and 2001).
Ioan, G. Opening Both Doors – an introduction to bilingual youth work, Wales Youth Agency, (2000).
Davies, E. The Language of a Caring Service, Cardiff: Welsh Language Board, (1999).
Ioan, G. Hand in Hand – managing in the bilingual workplace, Welsh Language Board, (1999).
Ioan, G. and Siencyn, S.W. Manage Bi-language, WCVA/Welsh Language Board, (1998).
Williams, Rh.H., Williams, H. and Davies, E. (ed.) Gwaith Cymdeithasol a'r Iaith Gymraeg, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, (1994).
Siencyn, S.W. A Sound Understanding – an introduction to language awareness, CCETSW, (1995).
Educational materials
Ioan, G. Dragon's Trove: introducing the Welsh dimension to Adult and Community classes in Pembrokeshire, Pembrokeshire Learning Network/IAITH, Newcastle Emlyn: 2011
Davies, E. Learning to Care 2, Newcastle Emlyn: IAITH cyf. (for City & Guilds) -Resources for NVQ Level 3 in Health and Social Care (Adults), (2007).
Davies, E. Nid ar Chwarae Bach 2: working with children in Wales, Care Council for Wales, (2006). (CD-ROM resource)
Dafis, Ll. and Davies, G. Cymraeg i'r Teulu, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin & Cynllun Twf, (2003).
Davies, E. and Meek, E. Learning to Care, City & Guilds/ELWa/Affinity/CYMAD, (2002).
Davies, E., Meek, E. and Siencyn, S.W. Pwy Faga Blant? – Parenting Skills Training Pack, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, (2000).
BBC Ty Sam:, radio series (x2) for KS1, (1999-2001).
BBC Dweud dy Ddweud:, radio series for KS4, (1998).
BBC Straeon Lleol:, radio series for KS2, (1998).
Llywelyn, E. Crefft Ysgrifennu, ACCAC, (1998).
Llywelyn, E. Hwyl Ysgrifennu, ACCAC, (1998).
Siencyn, S. W., Davies, G. and Pye, E. Cynllun yr Enfys, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, (1997).
Ioan, G. (ed.) Gwaith Ieuenctid Amgylcheddol yng Nghymru(Cyfres Drych #2), CWVYS, (1997).
Siencyn, S.W. (ed.) Cyfres y Dolffin:, 6 novel for KS3/4, ACCAC (1996).
Community enterprise and development materials
Ioan, G.

Creating a Welsh language action plan: guidance for neighbourhoods (2012). Framework

Gruffydd, M  Communities First & Bilingualism: Meeting The Challenge, Communities First Support Network, (2006)
Ioan, G. Community Speak – Communities First and the Welsh Language, Communities First Support Network, (2004).
Ioan, G. Penllanw - enterprise game for community groups, Menter a Busnes, (1999).
Ioan, G. Pont-y-gwaith- board game for KS3 pupils that raises matters concerning careers, Menter a Busnes, (1999).
Mynd Amdani

enterprise activities package for KS3, ACCAC, (1996).
