We provide a range of INSET courses in aspects of language policy and planning. Courses are either provided as part of our on-going training programme or can be delivered to clients directly. Bespoke training can also be designed to meet your development needs.
Courses for all:
As well as offering a Training Programme, IAITH can also provide the following training sessions either face to face or online to meet your needs.
Language Awareness (Compliance with the Welsh Language Standards)
Enhancing Welsh Language Writing Skills (Gloywi Iaith)
In addition to the above courses IAITH are able to provide training or develop training resources specifically tailored to meet your needs on any aspect of developing bilingualism and promoting the Welsh language.
If you would like more information or to commission training sessions from IAITH, contact Osian Elias osian.elias@iaith.cymru to discuss further.