IAITH attends the ELEN General Assembly

02 December 2021

Congratulations to Elin Haf Gruffydd-Jones on being elected President of ELEN. IAITH was pleased to have the opportunity to attend the ELEN (European Language Equality Network) General Assembly  meeting in Santiago de Compostela on 12 & 13 November. 

IAITH attends the ELEN General Assembly

Among the various topics of discussion were ELEN’s calls for the repeal of the 2010 plurilingualism law; equality for Galician, Basque and Catalan in new audiovisual law; that Galician-medium education be provided at all levels of education; noting the general failure of the EU to protect territorial languages and speakers rights; call for Irish Language Act legislation to be introduced at Westminster; International Decade of Indigenous Languages to include European territorial languages and ELEN’s appeals to the UN over censure of the Molac Law by the French Government.

Further details on these issues can be found in the meeting report:Meeting Report and in this short video: https://twitter.com/amesanl/status/1459604477745369089 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwPnogtNDMY